Lets see if this is printed—– and answered

Mahesh Raja says: 27. December 2021 at 6:30 am

Jitarati Prabhu, can you comment on this:


Versus this:

List of articles published on unauthorized red 10 volume SB changes

1. Exposing the offensive changes in the so-called original Srimad Bhagavatam: The Red “not-original” Srimad Bhagavatam has so many pages,lines and verses cut off from the second and fourth cantos

2. Important points and unresolved questions on 21000+ changes in Srimad Bhagavatam (first four cantos) [They supporters could not answer a single question correctly, instead resorted to ill-name calling and personal attacks on their websites]

3. The unseen destruction of Srila Prabhupada’s first edition Srimad Bhagavatam (4th canto) and how the 10 vol set contains many deletions of many important lines, pages and verses.

4. Photo showing Srila Prabhupada himself reading first edition Srimad Bhagavatam (READ ONLY WHAT SRILA PRABHUPADA READS )

5. Disastrous change found in 10 volume SB (4.24.74) — rascal editors changed the translation of BG 7.19 in the purport (Proof that 10 vol SB not even fully pre 1978)

6. Complete exposure of the lies spread by 10 volume SB promoters on prabhupadanugas.eu

7. Detecting Srila Prabhupada’s Original Books:

This 10 Volume set cannot be called the original set as it has the same changes that are found in the links below(it is not the 1972 print). Also Srila Prabhupada had never instructed to take out the front covers of the books and merge them as 10 cantos.

Google drive with Srila Prabhupada’s first edition unrevised, non adulterated, original books.
Another folder for Srimad Bhagavatam 1972 on-wards first edition original books:

Note: To download/print the files containing changes: Click on the above link. Then click File -> Export/Print -> Side-by-Side view respectively.

Canto 1: (Over 6000 changes)
Chapters 1-4: https://draftable.com/compare/UTXTvIzsNrmu
Chapters 5-8: https://draftable.com/compare/cupjyEEYuyGn
Chapters 9-12: https://draftable.com/compare/yllqQqNZSlgP
Chapters 13-16: https://draftable.com/compare/VCGEgShIgbNU
Chapters 17-19: https://draftable.com/compare/pMtvfQINaQtE

Canto 2: (Over 6000 changes)
Chapters 1-4: https://draftable.com/compare/wwucNCVgfccF
Chapters 5-8: https://draftable.com/compare/iimgbZjLWGTk
Chapters 9-10: https://draftable.com/compare/VaeVzKEAplpN

Canto 3: (Over 4000 changes)
Chapters 1-5: https://draftable.com/compare/WBtcORNEGUtA
Chapters 6-11: https://draftable.com/compare/EZtdJyOoixCD
Chapters 12-16: https://draftable.com/compare/WMdbAnBHPWcF
Chapters 17-22: https://draftable.com/compare/PWktcoYEdibW
Chapters 23-26: https://draftable.com/compare/zTHMikJhqgiF
Chapters 27-31: https://draftable.com/compare/HIsgZlxBsjPM
Chapters 32-33: https://draftable.com/compare/MFPehjhLQCun

Canto 4: (Over 5000 changes)
Chapters 1-6: https://draftable.com/compare/ushTtFMkmfIq
Chapters 7-10: https://draftable.com/compare/AkqAwNZEppIn
Chapters 11-16: https://draftable.com/compare/MQvlEISQSJVR
Chapters 17-21: https://draftable.com/compare/OjFXdGtBAdNz
Chapters 22-23: https://draftable.com/compare/dEfZIREardwX
Chapters 24-26: https://draftable.com/compare/NfFVFBiJXaSG
Chapters 27-29: https://draftable.com/compare/QzYaMiIksWiK
Chapters 30-31: https://draftable.com/compare/uNPTJpGUBUdi