Subject: Extensive collection of BTG Magazine Ads of Bhagavad Gita As It Is (1972 Edition) to spread its glories
Extensive collection of BTG Magazine Ads
of Bhagavad Gita As It Is (1972 Edition) to spread its glories
Hare Krishna, Dandavat pranams and all glories to His Divine Grace Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and all Vaisnavas.
The following link contains a collection of many advertisements of Original Bhagavad Gita As It Is(1972) that appeared in BTG Magazines in the 1970s.
This collection is presented to glorify the Original Macmillan Edition(Complete 1972 Edition) that Srila Prabhupada gave 100s of lectures from and always wanted to print it in large numbers.
All these advertisements can be used by the book distributors who want this original edition to be restored to distribute to all sections of people.
A quote below gives a proper proof where the original Gita is reviewed by Dr. Vajpayee.
“The reviews have very much encouraged me. Especially those of Prof. Bhatt and Prof. Vajpeye. I have personally written a letter of thanks to Dr. Bhatt, that he has so much encouraged me. Dr. Vajpeye’s review we are going to print and widely distribute, especially in Bombay and Madras, where there is so much propaganda from these bogus gurus and yogis. He has got practical experience of how they are cheating the innocent people in foreign countries and he has written; “The authorized edition of Bhagavad-gita will help to stop the terrible cheating of ‘gurus’ and ‘yogis’ who are false and unauthorized. [Letter to: Svarupa, Ranadhira, Mayapur-3 February, 1976 Los Angeles]”
Srila Prabhupada explains the potency of Macmillan edition – “We present it exactly as it is; without any additions or subtractions. That is perfect in every way and THEREFORE IT IS ACTUALLY HAVING A TREMENDOUS EFFECT ALL OVER THE WORLD. “
75-03-14 Letter: Mr. Dennany
“You mentioned in your letter that you had read many other Bhagavad-gitas before you read mine and that none of them revealed as much to you as Bhagavad-gita As It Is. The reason is because we do not change the actual meaning of the gita at all. MANY OTHER COMMENTATORS DUE TO POOR FUND OF KNOWLEDGE TAMPER WITH THE LINES OF BAHGAVAD-GITA AND TWIST THE MEANING FOR THEIR PERSONAL MOTIVES, BUT WE DO NOT DO LIKE THAT. We present it exactly as it is; without any additions or subtractions. That is perfect in every way and THEREFORE IT IS ACTUALLY HAVING A TREMENDOUS EFFECT ALL OVER THE WORLD. The original words of Lord Krishna have unrivalled potency and anyone who is fortunate enough to hear those words and tries to apply them to his life becomes perfect.”
Srila Prabhupada proves that Macmillan edition fulfills the want of the Gita received in the Parampara system
Please find a wonderful quote below that proves that the 1972 Macmillan edition of the Bhagavad Gita As It Is fulfills the want of an edition that is in the line of disciplic succession.
Purport from Chapter 4: Transcendental Knowledge,Verse 2, Bhagavad Gita As It is,1972 original unrevised Macmillan Edition:
“There are innumerable interpretations rendered by different mundane scholars, but almost all of them do not accept the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa, although they make a good business on the words of Śrī Kṛṣṇa. This spirit is demonic, because demons do not believe in God but simply enjoy the property of the Supreme. Since there is a great need of an edition of the Gītā in English, as it is received by the paramparā (disciplic succession) system, an attempt is made herewith to fulfill this great want. Bhagavad-gītā—accepted as it is—is a great boon to humanity; but if it is accepted as a treatise of philosophical speculations, it is simply a waste of time.“
The above quote “an attempt is made herewith to fulfill this great want” proves that this Macmillan edition fulfills the great want of the edition of Bhagavad Gita in English that’s received by Parampara as it is.
Also the quote “Bhagavad-gita—accepted as it is—is a great boon to humanity” explains everything.
Kṛṣṇa says in the Bhagavad-gītā, na ca tasmān manuṣyeṣu kaścin me priya-kṛttamaḥ (BG 18.69): “One who is doing this humble service of preaching work, Kṛṣṇa consciousness, nobody is dearer than him to Me.” So if you want to become recognized by Kṛṣṇa very quickly, you take up this process of becoming spiritual master, present the Bhagavad-gītā as it is, your life is perfect.
[Lecture Festival Appearance Day, Sri Vyasa-puja – London,22nd August,1973]