“… So Kṛṣṇa is advising Arjuna, “Don’t excuse this rascal brahma-bandhu. Don’t excuse.” This is Kṛṣṇa’s advice. But it does not mean that we can do anything and everything under the pretext of Kṛṣṇa’s advice. You must be first of all a confidential friend or servant of Kṛṣṇa. You must receive direct order from Kṛṣṇa. Then you can do it. Otherwise not. Otherwise not. Under the pretext that “Kṛṣṇa said,” “My spiritual master has said,” “Prabhupāda has said,” we manufacture something. Don’t do that. Unless you are directly ordered, you cannot do at least such things as to chastise a brahma-bandhu. This should not be done. Here is direct order”
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.7.34-35 Vrndāvana, September 28
Srila Prabhupada explained that His Guru Maharaja never appointed anybody as acarya.
“They wanted to create artificially somebody ācārya, and everything failed. They did not consider even with common sense that if Guru Mahārāja wanted to appoint somebody as ācārya, why did he not say?”
Note: The ISKCON GBC artificially created 11 acaryas in March of 1978.
Note: If Srila Prabhupada wanted to appoint 11 acaryas [diksa-gurus] for ISKCON, why did he not directly say?
“He said so many things, and this point He missed? The real point?”
Note: Similarly Srila Prabhupada said so many things in the last few months of 1977, and the real point He missed?
…and they insist upon it. They declared some unfit person to become…(SPC (BBT 1991) 15.08.76)
Note: And the GBC misheard, misunderstood, and misrepresented to the body of ISKCON devotees that 11 had been “appointed” as acaryas. And tbey insisted upon it. And they declared some unfit persons to become acaryas.
Note: If His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada did not appoint anyone as acarya [or diksa guru] for His mission, what makes the leading secretaries of His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada think that He would appoint one acarya or a group of acaryas for His Mission, in direct contradiction of His criticism of this whole concept in August of 1976.
Srila Prabhupada conversation, August 16, 1976, Bombay, India
Srila Prabhupada explains that there is no record that HDGBSTP nominated “any acarya” after him
“… I have also read specifically your articles on the matter of acaryas, wherein on the 14th paragraph I see the acarya shall be entitled to nominate in in writing his successive acarya. But we do not find any record where our Srila Prabhupada nominated any acarya after Him. Different persons have interpreted on this point, and everyone of our Godbrothers are acting as acarya, so this is a controversial point which I do not wish to enter into while we are proposing for co-operation…”
Srila Prabhupada letter 1969 (SPL (VI 1987) 69.8.38)
Note: Where is the actual verifiable record that Srila Prabhupada [HDG ACBSP] “nominated any acarya after Him” ?
Srila Prabhupada’s definition of diksa.
Then you can say ‘Yes, I know everything‘ Diksa. Diksa, initiation, diksa, this Sanskrit word, diksa, means divya-jnanam ksipayati ask from spiritual master with service
Srila Prabhupada defines obedience.
Srila Prabhupada – “I may say many things to you, but when I say something directly to you, you do it. Your first duty is to do that, you cannot argue -‘Sir, you said to me do like this before’, no that is not your duty, what I say to you now you do it, that is obedience you cannot argue.” (SP S.B. Lecture, 14/4/75, Hyderabad)
Guru cannot be self-made
Guru must be authorized
Guru cannot be self-made. No. There is no such single instance throughout the whole Vedic literature. And nowadays, so many rascals, they are becoming guru without any authority. That is not guru. You must be authorised. Evam parampara-praptam imam ra… As soon as the parampara is….kalena yogo nasta parantapa, immediately finished. The spiritual potency finished. You can dress like a guru, you can talk big, big words, but it will never be effective.” (Srila Prabhupada’s Lecture, February 27th 1977, Mayapur, India)
Guru must be authorized by the bona fide Guru.
“Self-made guru cannot be guru. He must be authorized by the bona fide guru. Then he’s guru. This is the fact…Similarly, bona fide guru means he must be authorized by the superior guru.” (SP NOD Lecture, October 31. 1972)
Guru must be authorized by his predecessor spiritual master.
“One should take initiation from a bona fide spiritual master coming in the disciplic succession, who is authorised by his predecessor spiritual master. This is called diksa-vidhana.” (S.B. 4.8.54, purport)
Guru must be ordered by his guru.
Prabhupada: Try to understand. Don’t go very speedily. A guru can become guru when he’s ordered by his guru. That’s all. Otherwise nobody
Result of Gaudiya Matha’s attempt to become more than guru.
“Why this Gaudiya Matha failed? Because they tried to become more than guru. [.] They declared some unfit person to become acarya. Then another man came, then another, acarya, another acarya.” (Srila Prabhupada Room Conversation, 16/8/76)
“Vallabha Bhatta wanted to be initiated by Gadadhara Pandita, but Gadadhara Pandita refused, saying, “The work of acting as a spiritual master is not possible for me. “I am completely dependent. My Lord is Gauracandra, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. I cannot do anything independently, without His order.” (CC, Antya 7:150-151)
Position of the actual guru.
“An actual guru always remains the servant of his own guru and the predecessor acaryas. Attempting to become a guru without one’s own guru’s order is a materialistic ambition. Accepting followers and circumventing one’s own guru is offensive.” >>> Ref. VedaBase => MGM 22-11: A Lost Son Visits Home
Srila Prabhupada explains how he became the leader of the KC movement.
Guru must be ordered by His guru.
“Indian man: When did you become spiritual the leader of Krsna Consciousness?
Srila Prabhupada: What is that?
Brahmananda: He is asking when did you become the spiritual leader of Krsna Consciousness?
Srila Prabhupada: When my Guru Maharaja ordered me. This is the guru parampara.
Indian man: Did it…
Srila Prabhupada: Try to understand. Don’t go very speedily. A guru can become guru when he is ordered by his guru. That’s all. Otherwise nobody can become guru. ” (SP Bg. Lecture, 28/10/75
Guru must be authorized
Guru cannot be self-made.
Position of gurus without authority.
“Guru cannot be self-made. No. There is no such single instance throughout the whole Vedic literature. And nowadays, so many rascals, they are becoming guru without any authority. That is not guru. You must be authorised. Evam parampara-praptam imam ra… As soon as the parampara is…kalena yogo nasta parantapa, immediately finished. The spiritual potency finished. You can dress like a guru, you can talk big, big words, but it will never be effective.” (Lecture, February 27th 1977, Mayapur, India)
Guru must be authorized by the bona fide guru.
“Self-made guru cannot be guru. He must be authorized by the bona fide guru. Then he’s guru. This is the fact…Similarly, bona fide guru means he must be authorized by the superior guru.” (SP NOD Lecture, October 31. 1972)
Guru must be authorized person.
“Therefore guru must be authorized person, not that bhumi-phala-guru. No. I am guru,” no. You cannot become guru unless you are agent to draw out the mercy water from the ocean of mercy of Krsna. That is guru. And therefore a guru is not an ordinary person. He is the representative, bona fide representative of Krsna.” (SB Lecture,November 30, 1976)
Guru cannot impart instructions without being authorized
“The schoolmasters in the modern days are paid agents for giving some information, but the spiritual master is not a paid agent. Nor can he impart instruction without being authorized.” (SB:2.9.43, purport)
“A Guru can be Guru when he is ordered by his Guru. That’s all. Otherwise nobody can become Guru.” (SP Bg. Lecture, 28th October 1975)
Srila Prabhupada predicts what happens when the acarya disappears?
Unfortunately, when the acarya disappears, rogues and nondevotees take advantage and immediately begin to introduce unauthorized principles in the name of so-called svamis, yogis, philanthropists, welfare workers and so on. SB 4.28.48
Do not make addition, alteration.
Results of making additions and alterations.
Many times they give me very great credit that I have done wonderful. Yes, I have done wonderful. But what is the reason? Because I am not a rascal. I speak what Krsna has spoken. That’s all. Very easy. Everyone can do that. Not only I. Any of you, you can do this. Simply speak what is…, what Krsna has said. That’s all. Don’t make addition, alteration. Then you become rascal. Immediately you become rascal. (Srimad-Bhagavatam Lecture 1.5.29 Vrndavana, August 10, 1974)
Danger of concocting
Prabhupada: Ara na koriha mane asa. Don’t concoct. Don’t you sing daily? Ara na koriha mane asa. Don’t manufacture ideas. That is dangerous. Caitanya Mahaprabhu teaches by His example. Guru more murkha dekhi’ karila sasana. Caitanya Mahaprabhu said to Prakasananda Sarasvati that “My spiritual master saw Me fool number one, so he haschastised Me, that “Don’t try to read Vedanta; chant Hare Krsna” 760623gc.nv Conversations 428848/530501
Go to right person who has seen.
Do not make your own interpretation
Prabhupada: Therefore Krsna says, tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya: “One who knows, go and understand from them, from the guru.”
Don’t make your interpretation, rascal. You shall remain always arascal. Then what is the use of all these verses? If it is so easy to
understand Krsna then why Krsna says, tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya: “Then you will understand. Go to the right person who has seen.” 751210mw.vrn Conversations 405334/530501