Jayadvaita Swami himself confirms that Bhagavad Gita is established,
now what is the need to revise it
A very important conversation where Jayadvaita Swami states that establishment of BG is done by Srila Prabhupada.
Srila Prabhupāda: So this is the position. The whole Vṛndāvana is full of Māyāvādīs. We have to be very, very cautious and careful. I was there. That Brahmānanda protested against that Aurobindo. And then “Don’t speak of Gītā.”
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Yes, that’s what they told him.Jayādvaita: They shouldn’t speak of Gītā. They should speak of whatever other thing they want.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Then why call it Gītā-pratiṣṭhāna?
Jayādvaita: That’s Prabhupāda’s promise. He’s establishing Bhagavad-gītā.
Srila Prabhupāda: Eh?
Jayādvaita: The actual establishment of Bhagavad-gītā is being done by Your Divine Grace. They should admit that, “We have our philosophy, but as far as Bhagavad-gītā goes, Śrīla Prabhupāda is establishing it all over the world. We have something else, our own idea.” They can say that.
Srila Prabhupāda: Now find out the way how to stop this class of men speaking in our halls.[Room Conversation 1-VRNDAVAN – November 03, 1977 ]
This shows that the BG is already potent enough and its establishment is already done, so there is no need for its editing.
This is a solid proof that shows the editors themselves knew that 72 edition was the only original established edition.