Srila Prabhupada explains the real meaning of association and ISKCON – Padmagarbha Das

Yamuna: Srila Prabhupada, although we are very happy where we are, we are prepared to go wherever you would like to send us in order to have your blessings.Srila Prabhupada: You westerners are always so restless. Why can’t you stay where you are?Yamuna: But we have been told that because we don’t have the association of devotees, we cannot make any advancement.Srila Prabhupada: Association can be two or two hundred. But you must be compatible. If you are two and are compatible, you can go back to Godhead. But if you are two hundred and not compatible [his eyes open widely], then no one will make any advancement.Yamuna: But Srila Prabhupada, some of the leaders are saying that we have lost your mercy because we left ISKCON and without your mercy there is no meaning to our lives.Srila Prabhupada: ISKCON is where you are chanting the Holy Names of Krsna. That is ISKCON.(Yamuna Devi, A Life of Unalloyed Devotion).