compiled by yasoda nandana dasa
1. The 10 volume set edition is not an original first edition publication. It has over 21000 changes from the first original editions especially in the first four cantos of Srimad Bhgavatam.
2. Srila Prabhupada. When he heard in the Rascal Editor conversation on June 22. 1977. That his books were being revised in his manifested presence, was not pleased and wanted all of these changes stopped.
3 . Then he clearly stated that “the next printing again should be the original way. “
4. Further in the same conversation Srila Prabhupada stated “they cannot change anything,”
Thus implies that the editors. Publishers. Gbcs. Bbt trustees cannot and should not change anything and should revert back any of the unauthorized changes made during Srila Prabhupada’s presence back to the original editions.
Minor mistakes in sanskrit word translations can be corrected
5. These mandates by Srila Prabhupada imply that he rescinded his alleged approval of the corrections made by the editor in September of 1976.
6. Original way means first editions with appropriate future indexes. Glossaries. List of verses. Sanskrit charts.
7. Srila Prabhupāda’s instructions in June of 1977 superseded any previous instructions given in Z2976.