Two predictions of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, Thakur Bhaktivinode
VOL. XXV. [ SEPTEMBER, 1927, 441 Chaitanya-Era. ] NO.4 .”Within the Gaudiya Sampradaya an abundant crop of evils have sprung up during the last four hundred years. The first and foremost duty of an Acharyya is to uproot those evils completely. He alone is an Acharya who teaches the Dharma that he himself practices.”
Thakur’s two predictions :—
(1) Some person imbued with the power of God will again establish the true Varnasram Dharma in accordance with the Divine Dispensation.
(2) Within a short time there will exist only one Sampradaya (School) in the realm of devotion ‘bhakti’. Its name will be “Sri Brahma Sampradaya.” All other Sampradayas will merge in this Brahma Sampradaya.
All glories to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Interesting article by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur here.
Two predictions of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, Thakur Bhaktivinode
VOL. XXV. [ SEPTEMBER, 1927, 441 Chaitanya-Era. ] NO.4 .”Within the Gaudiya Sampradaya an abundant crop of evils have sprung up during the last four hundred years. The first and foremost duty of an Acharyya is to uproot those evils completely. He alone is an Acharyya who teaches the Dharma that he himself practices.”
Thakur’s two predictions :—
(1) Some person imbued with the power of God will again establish the true Varn isram Dharma in accordance with the Divine Dispensation.
(2) Within a short time there will exist only one Sampradaya (School) in the realm of devotion ‘bhakti’. Its name will be “Sri Brahma Sampradaya.” All other Samprwdayas will merge in this Brahma Sampradaya.